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Using FormMail
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FormMail.cgi is a generic www form to email gateway. It will parse the results of any form you create with HTML and send them to the specified user. FormMail.cgi is a Perl script and it has many formatting and operational options, most of which can be specified through the form, meaning you don't need any programming knowledge or multiple scripts for multiple forms.

To user FormMail.cgi on your site, follow these steps:

* Create your form using HTML
* Change the post action to:
<form action="/cgi-sys/FormMail.cgi">

OR the place you uploaded FormMail.
Example: <form action="/cgi-bin/FormMail.cgi">

You now need to edit your form so that it can execute the script. You do this by editing the "form action" statement in the form to point to the path where FormMail.cgi resides. Your need to edit the "form action" statement to read:

<form action="/cgi-bin/FormMail.cgi">

as shown on the following screenshot. Also make sure that the method is "post."

You now need to tell FormMail.cgi where to send email. You do this by entering a "hidden field" on the form itself. Enter the following line on your form and make sure you enter the email address where you would like to receive email.

Activiate FormMail via the control panel (within CGI Scripts) or Upload FormMail.cgi to your server in ASCII mode not BINARY- (This is very important).

Change the permissions for FormMail. FormMail requires that you make it executable. Many FTP applications allow you to change a file to executable by right-clicking the file on the remote system and clicking CHMOD. FormMail requires a CHMOD setting of 755.

You can always find the latest FormMail here.

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